You're going to have your home's interior painted and are planning how to manage the inconvenience for your family. Consider some strategies to make life more convenient for the painting crew as well. They'll be able to get the job done faster and won't have to deal with common annoyances.
Clear Away Clutter
A thorough decluttering project is advisable before the painters arrive. Moving everything away from walls isn't enough; the painters need to traverse rooms as they work on walls and ceilings.
If you've got a lot of stuff sitting around in several rooms, see what you can move into one room or into the garage to free up space for the painters.
Keep Kids and Pets Out of the Way
Even if your painting contractors appear to like children, dogs and cats, those family members can be pesky to professionals trying to get some work done. If a child smears paint with a hand, or a dog brushes up against a wall, the painter has more work to do.
In addition, painters don't need the risk of toddlers and pets getting paint in their mouths.
Understand if a Room Is Out of Commission
If the painting crew is halfway done with the family room, living room or dining room when quitting times comes, understand that they may leave equipment in there until the next day. Choose a different room for your family time. They should communicate with you about this beforehand.
A professional painting contractor shouldn't leave a kitchen or a used bedroom out of commission overnight without asking for permission at least a day ahead of time. Even though you want to be courteous, you shouldn't have to put up with that unexpectedly.
Allow Them to Use a Bathroom
They'll have to go sometime, and leaving the premises for bathroom breaks is inconvenient. If you have more than one bathroom, plan on one of those rooms being the restroom for the painters. Let them know as soon as they arrive. Otherwise, allow them to use the sole bathroom.
Unless you know everyone on the crew personally, remove any valuable items and medication from the bathroom these workers will use.
If your home is large and the painting project will take a week or longer, consider having a portable restroom set up outside.
Provide Cold Beverages
Sure, you're paying the painting contractors. Nevertheless, it's a friendly gesture to provide some bottles of cold water and soda, especially if the crew is working outside on a hot day.
Concluding Thoughts
With these strategies, you'll help keep the painting crew, like those from VR Painting Sercises LLC, in a good mood, and they'll appreciate your thoughtfulness. They'll likely respond in kind by being extra courteous to you and your family.